Callebaut Crispearls™ Mona Lisa Dark / Milk / White Chocolate 800g


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Callebaut Crispearl™ Dark Chocolate:

Great chocolate taste, tiny in size.

Callebaut Crispearls™ Dark chocolate are tiny in size, but giant in taste. These small beads in delicious 811 dark chocolate have an intense chocolate taste with prominent notes of roasted cocoa and a crispy heart of toasted biscuit.

They’re great for grazing or as miniature snack with coffee or tea. You can also rely on dark chocolate Crispearls™ to add an exciting finishing touch to your desserts or pastries. Just sprinkle on top of glazed cakes, entremets or desserts to add your elegant touch of pure indulgence.

Mixed into chocolate mousse, ice cream or bavarois, they add a crispy chocolate texture to your desserts and remain crunchy.

Callebaut Crispearl™ Milk Chocolate:

Irresistible milk chocolate with a heart of toasted biscuit.

Callebaut Crispearls™ Milk chocolate combine Callebaut®’s 823 milk chocolate with a crispy heart of toasted biscuit. They’re great for grazing or as a mini-snack with coffee or tea. Milk chocolate Crispearls™ are also perfect for adding an exciting finishing touch to your desserts or pastries.

Just sprinkle on top of glazed cakes, entremets or desserts to add your elegant touch of pure indulgence. Mixed into chocolate mousse, ice cream or bavarois, they add a crispy chocolate texture to your desserts and remain crunchy.

Callebaut Crispearl™ White Chocolate:

Creamy, caramelly and lovely crisp in 1 tiny pearl.

Callebaut Crispearls™ White chocolate combine Callebaut®’s W2 chocolate with a crispy heart of toasted biscuit. They’re great for grazing or as a mini-snack with coffee or tea. White chocolate Crispearls™ are also perfect for adding an exciting finishing touch to your desserts or pastries.

Just sprinkle on top of glazed cakes, entremets or desserts to add your elegant touch of pure indulgence. Mixed into chocolate mousse, ice cream or bavarois, they add a crispy chocolate texture to your desserts and remain crunchy.


The best storage condition for this product is to keep in an airtight container, dry and cool location away from direct sunlight.



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Please read our T&C before buying. You are considered AGREED upon payment confirmation.

  1. We carefully pack your order with proper packaging materials (ice pack and polystyrene box / aluminium bag) without extra charges.
  2. We do not hold any responsibilities if the item melted during delivery due to weather heat.
  3. Purchase at your own risk.

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Weight 1.10 kg
Dimensions 30.00 × 20.00 × 5.00 cm
Chocolate Type

Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate

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